Prep your session tracks:

There are a few organizational steps you need to take to clean up your session before sending your files to DuneTunes Recording for mixing.


MIX Prep for Avid Protools Users:

  1. You’ll need to hide all muted, inactive, midi or any other tracks that you don’t intend to play in the  final mix. Set up the files as clearly as you can by making sure the tracks are clearly labeled.
  2. If you do have midi tracks, you must record the midi sounds to an audio track.
  3. If you have special effects that are part of your audio track, bounce the track to a new channel by clicking: File > Bounce To > Disk.
  4. PLEASE NOTE: We will not be able to take off any processing or effects you have applied to an audio tracks. We prefer to do the effects processing for you when we do our mixing. Please be sure to mention the sounds you have in mind in the description of your tracks. You may also include any addional documentation regarding your mixes and or reference tracks from similar artists to clarify the “mix vibe” you have in mind.

Cleaning up your session

  1. Remove all plug ins and automation you may have applied to your song within your own session. This will ensure that all of the files will transfer over to us DuneTunes Recording correctly, and we’ll use our own plug-ins and automation techniques in your final mix.

Consolidating your tracks within your session

  1. When you have all your tracks lined up and ready to send to DuneTunes Recording for mixing, it’s important to listen to your project from start to finish to double check for any errors in your song before consolidating the final tracks.
  2. Then, select all the tracks, first by clicking on the first channel, holding the shift button and clicking the last tracks, and then by clicking Apple (or control A), and consolidate them by clicking: Edit > Consolidate.
  3. Now you should see all your tracks from the same starting point in your project from beginning to end.

Exporting your tracks as wav files

Make sure to double check all edit points throughout your song and make sure there aren’t any noticeable pops, clicks or any clips that would be obvious in the final mix.

  1. The last step is to export your tracks as wav files, select all of your session tracks and export your tracks by clicking: (apple+shift+K) or (windows Ctrl Shift K) that should open the export pop up window.
  2. Make sure to select a destination that you’ll remember at a later point, and click the Export button.
  3. To check that all your tracks have exported seporately and correctly, create a new Pro-Tools project, import he the exported files into the new project and play to make sure everything lines up and plays correctly in time.

Zip your wav files and upload

  1. Congrats! Now you have the files exported and ready to be sent to DuneTunes Recording for mixing.
  2. Now Zip the folder of the exported files by holding control+clicking the folder, and then > add to archive (Or on a PC it’s: right-click on the folder and > add to archive)
  3. Now upload the zip file to DuneTunes Recording.

Your done!

If you have any questions, call DuneTunes at 720-345-8452. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.


I look forward to mixing your songs.


Peace  Dune